“The Territorial Youth Institute will provide an opportunity for young adults to receive training and hands-on experience in prayer, holiness and social justice,” says Major Mark Hall, territorial youth secretary. “Delegates will be encouraged to grow in their relationship with God, and to reflect seriously on their faith and how this impacts their life choices.”

With the theme of Time to be Holy, the youth institute will be held from August 27-September 1 at Jackson's Point, Ont. This is the second of two events organized by the Canada and Bermuda Territory following the World Youth Convention held in Sweden last year.

Directed by Captain Hall, the faculty will include Major Stephen Court, Major Danielle Strickland, Jonathan Evans and Major Denise Walker. The special guest for the event is Lt-Colonel Janet Munn, the Secretary for Spiritual Life Development, IHQ.

“Young people in North America have been given much and have much to give,” says Lt-Colonel Munn. “My desire is that every advantage they've been given would be totally offered up to the Lord for his redemptive purposes on the earth. Our youth have a voice and they can be empowered to speak up for the voiceless, such as the exploited and oppressed women and children in the world. I believe this is key to the Lord's global strategy to spread salvation and justice throughout the earth.”

The territorial youth institute is open to youth and young adults aged 16-30. For more information, visit www.Time2Bholy458.ca.


On Tuesday, May 31, 2011, Jonathan Evans said:

I'm coming for sure (God willing).

On Tuesday, May 31, 2011, Kiwi Nick said:

Agreed - It's the one event this year that you don't want to miss. Lt Col Munn is an AMAZING woman of God! If i could, I'd come over from New Zealand to hear more from the speakers. Blessings

On Monday, May 30, 2011, Nicole said:

not kidding - THE place to be that week :-)

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