Partners in Mission 2025 Campaign

Partners in Mission Self Denial Banner

The Salvation Army congregations and ministry units play an important role in supporting the Partners in Mission campaign. This self-denial campaign provides the necessary money to carry out the ministry of The Salvation Army worldwide. These funds help the Army continue its work as a beacon of hope, providing support and transformation in over 130 countries around the world.

All Salvation Army territories and commands contribute to the International Self-Denial Appeal (which we term Partners in Mission). This serves as an example of what it means to be partners in mission and ministry-standing shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand.

                 The money raised during the Partners in Mission/Self-Denial Appeal provides essential funding required for the ongoing ministry of the Army. This funding is necessary to keep the infrastructure in place so that communities can focus on specific needs and concerns, such as education, health, clean water, income generation, or human-trafficking issues.

To help promote this important fundraising campaign, we have developed several Partners in Mission resources, including videos, photos, children time activities, powerpoint presentations, and more. Some of these resources are also available in French and Spanish.

Interviews occuring for the Partners in Mission campaign.

The mission of The Salvation Army worldwide can only continue with your prayerful and practical support. It is a mission that continues to grow as The Salvation Army is welcomed into additional countries. We thank the Lord for these new opportunities, understanding the need to ensure that the finances are available to nurture these young churches.

Please give generously so that the territorial goal of $2.4 million will be reached.

Thank you and God Bless!