The purpose of the Candidates Connect is to create a community of like-minded people who feel a sense of calling to full time ministry, and to allow opportunities to learn about different aspects of what full-time vocational ministry within The Salvation Army could look like. Candidates Connect events centre around the three pillars mentioned below as well as create space for discerning God's call.
The foundation and mission of the Candidates Connect have been captured in the following three pillars:
Building Character
Candidates Connect will actively develop spiritual maturity, practical faith, and holiness of life and witness of the members.
Building Capacity
Candidates Connect will actively develop the practical, academic, and leadership skill and knowledge base of the members.
Building Community
Candidates Connect will actively develop comradery and fellowship amongst members through their shared experience of exploring God’s call on their lives.
These operational directives are the means through which the purpose of Candidates Connect will be accomplished. The language of building has been intentionally chosen to emphasize that exploring God’s call and considering full-time vocational ministry is a process.
Anyone interested in being a part of Candidates Connect should see your Corps Officer for more details.
Click here to register for the Territorial Candidates Connect events.