Join the Salvation Army’s College for Officer Training and partner with us to make the world better. Embrace the tools to share the love of Jesus, stop injustice and be with people in hardship. Help them see hope, possibility and a new way forward. Powered by the love of God, join us to change lives, community by community, person by person, the way only a Salvation Army officer can.

    Defenders of Justice

    Canada and Bermuda Territory welcomes five new officers during celebratory weekend.

    CFOT News
    On Saturday, June 22, Mississauga Community Church, Ont., was filled with jubilance and excitement as Salvationists, officers, training college personnel, family and friends gathered for the ordination and commissioning of five cadets in the Defenders of Justice Session. The Canadian Staff Songsters (CSS), led by Songster Leader Cathie Koehnen,

    Territorial Music School Returns for 2024

    Annual camp offers young Salvationists musical and spiritual enrichment.

    The 2024 Territorial Music School (TMS), held at the Guelph Bible Conference Centre, Ont., once again left young delegates with lasting lessons and lifelong memories. This year’s camp, held at the end of August, closed out the summer with a celebration of what the Lord is doing in the hearts of young people across the Canada and Bermuda