Indigenous Workshops

We are excited to offer the following workshops for ministry units.

Please contact Captain Crystal Porter for additional details and questions.  

Truth and Reconciliation – a Two part series

two people dancing holding hands

Session 1: Learning the Truth

In this session, we will talk about the history of colonization in this land now known as Canada. Participants will learn about the Doctrine of Discovery, the Royal Proclamation, the Indian Act, and the Indian Residential School System and how it continues impact Indigenous communities.

Session 2: Walking in Reconciliation 

As a continuation of Learning the Truth, Walking in Reconciliation will help guide participants in reconciliation work. This session will be tailored to your Ministry Unit, depending on region, current partnerships, and discussion group conversations in session #1. 

Creating a Land Acknowledgement

an indigenous lanscape drawing

This session will guide participants through creating a personal/ Ministry Unit land acknowledgement.  Throughout the process, you will gain a greater understanding of the land you work, play and love on, including a discussion on treaties, unceded land, traditional territories and languages.

Working in Community: Engaging with Indigenous Communities

people gathered at an event

Are you interested in going beyond wearing an Orange Shirt? This session will help you on the next steps of the journey, helping you understand some of the cultural protocols of walking in the right relations and beginning conversations with Indigenous nations and organizations in your community.  

Prerequisite: Truth and Reconciliation workshop.

Journey to Respect- Indigenous Spiritualities and the Church

indigenous culture

This session will examine the impact of Christianity on Indigenous peoples and the effects it has had on the body of Christ. Using Acts 15 and 1 Corinthians 12  we will talk about the mission of the church and discussion how culture and faith can work together.

Prerequisite: Truth and Reconciliation workshop.

Beadwork as Spiritual Practice

beaded orange shirt on a tree branch

Choose one:

  • MMIW Red Dress Pin (beaded or sealskin)
  • Orange Shirt Day Pins, or Earring/ Keychains) 

This session will be tailored to the theme of the beadwork. This session will be 2.5-3 hours, with the opportunity to do it as one session or two sessions. When the session is complete, each person will receive a piece of beadwork. The Ministry Unit will be provided with individualized kits for each person and will be charged $10 per person. Max capacity: 15 people in person and 25 people in a virtual class.