Partners in Mission Self-Denial Resources
Keep scrolling to find all 2025 Partners in Mission Self-Denial resources below, including videos, bulletin inserts, posters, Sunday school ideas and so much more. Before downloading, create a new folder on your system called “Partners in Mission 2025.”
You will require Adobe Reader to access all PDF documents. We recommend having the latest version, which can be downloaded for free from www.adobe.com/readers. Note: Deselect the option to include McAfee Security Scan Plus, it’s not required.

English Resources Download
Download all English resources here: the territorial commander’s message; letter from the director of international development; Sunday school activities; poster, bulletin insert, growth chart and can label; Canadian personnel serving overseas deck (which includes ministry highlights and prayer requests); Facebook posts; PowerPoint announcement slide; Partners in Ministry logo; fundraising ideas.
For specialized Partners in Mission donation envelopes, contact Supplies and Purchasing at orderdesk@can.salvationarmy.org or call 416-422-6100. Envelopes are free except for a shipping fee.
Ressources en Français Download
Téléchargez toutes les ressources en français ici: message du chef de territoire; affiche; graphique de croissance; étiquette de canette; bulletins; logo Partenaires dans la mission.
Recursos en Español Download
Descargue aquí todos los recursos en español, incluidos: carta del comandante territorial;póster; boletin; puede-etiqueta; tabla de crecimiento.
Partners in Mission 2025 Video Series
Click the buttons below to download videos in English or with French subtitles.