Risk Appetite Interactivity
Explore different risk levels by clicking or tapping on the corresponding sections of the circle.
Willing to pursue opportunities in program services that support/advance the mission and indicate a return on investment.
Cautious of opportunities in higher risk programs involving vulnerable persons.
Willing to consider opportunities with high risk with significant benefits to TSA; high risk opportunities require close evaluation and approval.Christian Values
Averse to any compromise of our values and mission.Data Privacy and Security
Averse to any risk that jeopardizes the privacy and security of TSA, clients and mission partners information.Health and Safety
Averse to any compromise of the health and safety of our people.Averse
Not willing to accept risk and a very cautious approach to risk.Client/Resident Experience
Cautious in pursuing opportunities that affect client/resident experience.Environmental Sustainability
Cautious approach to activities that would degrade the environment.Operational Business Continuity and Infrastructure
Cautious to risk that may lead to disruption of our programs/services or access to buildings.
Operational Business Continuity and Infrastructure
Averse to risk that may lead to disruption of critical information systems or our core operations.
Cautious in taking risk that may adversely impact the recruitment and retention of personnel.Reputation
Cautious of opportunities where risk could adversely impact our reputation.Cautious
Cautious and conservative approach to risk; close evaluation of new opportunities is required.Financial Stewardship
Open to innovation pursuits after financial analysis.
Financial Stewardship
Averse to risk related to irresponsible use of resources, negligence, fraud or unnecessary liabilities.