Retrospective #29 “A Few Lines”
Randy C. Hicks


If my heart should falter in a time of stress,
Jesus, stoop to me!
Speak to me in pity, touch with tenderness,
I would cleave to Thee!
All my mind’s intention toward Thy will is set,
All my heart’s desire is to trust Thee, yet,
Lest my will should waver, lest my faith should fail,
Shield me by Thy mercy, let not Hell prevail.

If my heart should harden to a call of need,
Jesus, stoop to me!
Look on me with sadness, show me hands that bleed,
I would be like Thee!
I would show Thy pity, Thy dear charity,
I would cry forgiveness to mine enemy,
But lest wounds and sorrow turn my heart to stone,
Melt it by Thy love, Lord, save by love alone.

The above is taken from A FEW LINES OF PRAYER by Catherine Bramwell Booth as published by the Salvation Army in 1930. I just happened upon it as I was doing research for another post and thought I’d take a gander. Not unlike other similar writings by authors from that time Catherine’s own struggles and testimony come shining through. The following composition so moved me that I just knew it might be an encouragement to some of you as well.

Be blessed!


He walked with me
When I was wayward, strong, and proud,
When I denied Him, boasting loud
I knew Him not, nor wished to know
The Man who said He loved me so,
I doubted whether He could be
My God, yet be so like to me!

In wisdom’s husk I clothed me well
And found that Calv’ry, Heaven, and Hell
Belonged to days I had outgrown.
I banished them; and chose my own
Ideals of life; and coldly let
Him be unloved, forgot, and yet
He walked with me!

He walked with me!
And when the way grew rough and steep,
And when I called from deep to deep
Of anguish and despair for light
To guide me through my sorrow’s night
(For fear and shame and death and sin,
Ah! All of these had entered in
To rob my life of hope and peace),
He said to me, “It is for this I walk with thee.”

“I walk with thee,
To save, to comfort, and to guide,”
He said, continuing at my side.
But I, though sunk in grief, still sought
For help apart from Him. I thought,
“Could I but find a friend, a man
Akin to me, to him I can
Unfold the anguish of my heart
And he mayhap can soothe the dart
Of conscience, of remorse and give
Me comfort that I yet may live.”
I found him not! And in the gloom
Of solitude methought the doom
Of Hell I had denied most fit
(For those forsook by hope taste it
Before ‘tis due); and all the way
I travelled thus, by night and day,
He walked with me!

He walked with me,
Whilst I in blinding sorrow cried,
“Oh, for a God who would divide
His strength with me and make me new!
That I might live again and do
Some noble thing!” Bitter the thought!
Would God stoop down to me who brought
No gift, no praise, but only need,
Deep hungry need? Small hope indeed!
‘Twould cost a Calvary to make
A way to me for God! To break
In me the arm of sin, forgive
And set me free, with strength to live
My life aright, If this were done,
‘Twould need a Saviour! Is there one?

Oh, blind the eyes that would not see
The Son of Man who walked with me!
Oh, deaf the ears that would not hear
The voice of God, so clear, so near!

Strength fled me, knowledge failed, when I
In fear, in shame, with tear-blind eye,
Stretched forth my hand and longing turned
Toward Him whom my heart had spurned!
He looked on me; and then I knew
That all I needed He could do!
Knew I had found the friend I sought,
Knew that my pardon had been bought,
Knew that my God was near, not far, 
Knew that for me a Saviour – ah!
A Calvary – was found!

Knew One –
The True, the Beautiful, God’s Son
Who walks with me!

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