I was standing near one of our boxes of old corps flags the other morning where I imagined listening to a rather animated conversation going on among three of them. It went something like this...
The Death Messenger has visited Sceviour’s Island Corps and taken from our midst our officer and teacher, Cadet Fennemore.
Most are well acquainted with C. S. Lewis’s CHRONICLES OF NARNIA, particularly THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE. But I reckon not too many people know about the Salvation Army’s “witch.”
Take Jackie Gleason’s the Honeymooners for example...
The Captain shouted a “hallelujah” as (after the third sing) we finished the chorus and then he invited us to continue worshiping by turning to song #202 in the Song Book – WOULD YOU BE FREE FROM YOUR BURDEN OF SIN? The band struck up and off we went!
Then there was the Muppet Show from the late seventies. Another favourite of mine! And wouldn’t you know it – it happened again...
Top, center, is a small red SA Crest; underneath in blue, larger, block letters, you have “THE SALVATION ARMY”; next a line to fill in the name of your home corps; then in a much larger font, red and bold, announcing in one word - MEETINGS!
Depending on the corps you grew up in you may or may not be familiar with this appliance.
Who knew? (Ok, everyone but me!)
For Jesus Christ’s sake, our Saviour, who saves us now and all the time, and evermore.”
Do I hear an AMEN!?