All Saints!
Retrospective #43 November 1, 2017 Randy C. HicksA lonely grave far away but not forgotten...It is not my intention to offend anyone but today I wanted us to think of “All Saints”. Traditionally, as Salvationists, we don’t follow the church calendar with the exception of Christmas and Easter. In the Western Church, the first day of November is celebrated as “ALL SAINTS DAY.” The day is a Christian festival that honours all saints and martyrs, both known and unknown.
Christians celebrate All Saints' Day because they believe that there is a powerful spiritual bond between those in heaven known as the "Church triumphant", and the living called the "Church militant". Now I ask you, who are we as The Salvation Army if not the “Church militant”?
And of all places, here I find myself at our “Archives” building - home of our history and resting place of various items of memorabilia related to our forebears, our former leaders, indeed our many, many saints; saints both known and unknown. By the way -that is one of the most irritating aspects of archives and collections. It’s never the “known” but the “unknown” who raise most questions in my mind and never mind those who have no representation here at all; the vast number of pioneers gone before us; that great cloud of witnesses now cheering us on – who were they?
Someone inquired recently about one of those saints. She is certainly not one widely known, nor one known well in so far as details go. We did find some information. In the War Cry of February 12, 1921 you will see this clip:
The Death Messenger has visited Sceviour’s Island Corps and taken from our midst our officer and teacher, Cadet Fennemore. After a short illness she was called home on December 31 to the Mansions of Light. She was a sufferer and endured much, but not a murmur ever escaped her lips. She was always calm and peaceful, and faithful to her post, both in her Corps work and at school. She was much loved, and will be greatly missed by her scholars and the people of this Corps.
We laid her to rest on Monday to await the resurrection morn. We gave her an Army funeral, which was conducted by Captain Anstey.
She leaves to mourn her loss a father and mother, one sister, two brothers, at St. Anthony, one sister at Pelley’s Island, Mrs. Elias Denney, and one sister at Little Bay Islands, Lydia Fennemore. To the bereaved we extend our deepest sympathy.
At eighteen years of age Jessie Fennemore was a cadet, teacher, and officer in the Salvation Army; at eighteen years of age Cadet Fennemore was “Promoted to Glory;” at eighteen years of age Cadet Fennemore joined the great cloud of witnesses!
Since coming here I have often thought about the saints from my past who were there for me with words of encouragement, giving prayerful watch, helping with decisions, guiding me along the path, and teaching me about Jesus. On Friday of last week I posted a piece on “The Great Salvation Meeting.” Many of you have read it. Many of you were there in heart and mind with me. I know that because someone told me the meeting was too long and I reminded them that I had cut out the testimony period. They said they’re going to the Anglican Church this week just the same! (LOL) But while you were at the meeting did you see them? You know - THEM? If per chance you didn’t see them just pause for a moment, and maybe close your eyes. You can see them now can’t you? Perhaps you can even hear them? There’s Mr. T. T., Mr. and Mrs. D., Mrs. C., Mrs. K., Mrs. P., Mr. and Mrs. B., Mrs. M., Mrs. Major B., Mrs. Brigadier E., Major and Mrs. P., Mr. and Mrs. H., Mr. R. B., and my list could go on.
Who are those on your lists?
Won’t you join me on this “All Saints Day” and give God thanks for every one of them!
Hebrews 12:1-3 (MSG)
12 1-3 Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!"All Saints!"
Randy C. Hicks
October 28, 2016"All Saints Day" the name it's given
In case we've left someone out
It's a great idea for sure
Of that there is no doubt!There's Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul
To name those, perhaps, known best
Mary, Joseph, Michael and Pete
And then there's all the rest!Checking the list I see you there
No kidding! You really are!
You see, through Christ your name is drawn
No more are you afar!My name's there too, yes, me, a saint
By the power of God's love
The miracle of salvation
Down here as up above!So happy day to one and all
We watch the family grow
There's room for all in Abba's house
We'd better let folk know!
On Wednesday, November 24, 2021, Bill Fennemore said:
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