Intense Every Day?
Retrospective #58 January 4, 2018 Randy C. HicksWill you leave them as you found them?At the beginning of 2018 I am led to share the following discovery with you.
While searching the cabinets here at 26 Howden I came across an unused pocket calendar from 1965, the year of the Salvation Army’s centenary. The cover has a full page picture of William Booth seated and reading what very well may be a Bible. In gold letters at the bottom of the picture are the words “God’s Soldier.”
On the inside cover, just above a complete mini calendar of 1965 is an excerpt from a message entitled THE MASSES WITHOUT CHRIST, introduced with the words “God’s Soldier Speaks” that reads as follows:
“…Will you leave them as you found them?
Heaven forbid!
What will you do?
Go and compassionate them!
Go, and represent Jesus Christ to them!
Go, and prophesy to them!
Go, and believe for them!
And a great Army shall stand up
to live and fight and die for the living God.”
How did you read the third word in the fifth sentence? Yes, the word c-o-m-p-a-s-s-i-o-n-a-t-e. Preacher-types likely picked up on the founder’s fire and automatically read –com-passion-ATE! Or better yet, with a slight twitter-twist – compassion8!
“Go and compassion8 them!”
Don’t you just love it?!
The words of another poet general quickly come to mind as found in The Song Book of The Salvation Army:
626: The Savior Of Men Came To Seek And To Save
2015 Song Book
Our Response to God, Holiness, Devotion
THE Savior of men came to seek and to save
The souls who were lost to the good;
His Spirit was moved
For the world which He loved
With the boundless compassion of God.
And still there are fields where the laborers are few,
And still there are souls without bread,
And still eyes that weep where the darkness is deep,
And still straying sheep to be led.
Except I am moved with compassion,
How dwelleth Thy Spirit in me?
In word and in deed
Burning love is my need;
I know I can find this in Thee.
O is not the Christ 'midst the crowd of today
Whose questioning cries do not cease?
And will He not show
To the hearts that would know
The things that belong to their peace?
But how shall they hear if the preacher forbear
Or lack in compassionate zeal?
Or how shall hearts move
With the Master's own love,
Without His anointing and seal?
It is not with might to establish the right,
Nor yet with the wise to give rest;
The mind cannot show
What the heart longs to know
Nor comfort a people distressed.
O Savior of men, touch my spirit again,
And grant that Thy servant may be
Intense every day, as I labor and pray,
Both instant and constant for Thee.Orsborn, Albert William Thomas
Got it now?
Our orders for 2018?
“Go and compassion8 them!”
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