Auxiliary Capatin - 1962 to 1985

The rank of Auxiliary Captain is one of a noncommissioned Officer.

The trim of an Auxiliary Captain consists of a black braid which encircles a black epaulet. A high collar would consist of a patch five inches in length with a point at each end with a silver “s” in the centre of the patch.

Low collar would consist of two silver “S’s” on two small red patches which are placed on each side of the tunic.

“An Auxiliary Captain is a mature salvationist, beyond the age-limit for full officer training, who holds a warrant of appointment as distinct from commissioned rank, and who may undertake corps or social work similar to that of a commissioned Officer.” 1


  1. The General,The Salvation Army (1983). The Salvation Army Year Book. Campfield Press. p: 28.

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags


Auxiliary Captain

Auxiliary Capatin 1881-1947


Status: Active

Date Started: 1962

Date Discontinued: