General - 1878 to present
The rank of General is the oldest rank in The Salvation Army.
The trim of a General consists of a Gold triad on the outer edge of a black braid which encircles a crimson plush epaulet with a gold crest and a wide gold braid which extends horizontally from one side of the black braid to the other. The bottom of the crest is a floral wreath.
On a high collar uniform, the crest would have been located on a full crimson collar with a gold “S”.
On a low collar uniform, two small crimson plush patches, similar in shape to those of the Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel and Commissioner patches, with gold trim and gold “S”’s. were placed on each lapel of the tunic.
Although now discontinued, the sleeve trim consisted of a silver cord on each side of a black braid.
The shape of the collar patch has now been standardized to match the shape used by all Officer ranks.