Probationary 2nd Lieutenant - 1950 to 1951
This rank is somewhat unusual in its attractive appearance because there are no other epaulets that comes close in resemblance to this one.
The trim implies that the wearer is not a full officer. The Probationary 2nd Lieutenant is still in training. Upon commissioning, the Cadet becomes a Probationary 2nd Lieutenant.
The trim consists of a black braid encircling an epaulet that contains half blue serge and half red. The high collar is a red patch with a white “S”.
This rank did not have any sleeve trimming.
The rank of Probationary 2nd Lieutenant became active in 1950 and quickly became obsolete in 1951. It proved to be a very unpopular rank and not appropriate to the Army’s ranking system.
Status: Discontinued
Date Started: Circa 1950
Date Discontinued: Circa 1951