COMMISSIONERS Willian and Annie Eddie

William Eadie is a Scotsman who was converted early in his life when he met a Salvation Army procession. For thirty-seven years since he has ardently followed the flag. The question of his call to officership was not one to be taken up and set down at will.

As a field officer, Commissioner Eadie served long and strenuous apprenticeship before he reached his present position.

He commanded a number of important Corps in the British Territory including the Plymouth II Corps. Since those days, Commissioner Eadie has been schooled in Canada and in the United States and South Africa, of which the last he farewelled after eight years.

In Canada he was a Divisional Officer, and while in the States he served as Chief Secretary.

Mrs. Eadie (who was well known as Staff-Captain Annie Keith) has taken more than her share of perplexities and trials which are the ordinary lot of an Army Officer’s life.