Ambassadors For Christ Session 1987 - 1989
Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)
Now then! Now then! Now then!
We ore Ambassadors! Ambassadors! Ambassadors!
Lo, we come from the courts of God ,
Bringing a message glorious.
Christ hos on the serpent trod, over death victorious
To reconcile a rebel race, to build a new creation.
Our message is the word of grace and reconciliation.
In the name, the mighty name
Of Him whom sin, nor death could bind.
The fruits of Calvary we claim
Redeeming love for all mankind.
Be Reconciled! Be Reconciled!
Now lay your arms aside.
Be Reconciled! Be Reconciled!
To none His pardon is denied.
We speak to a race that is broken
By sorrow, and failure and fear.
The word of release hos been spoken .
Redemption and freedom ore near.
Our lives we hove bound to His will,
That bearing the word of salvation
His purposes we may fulfill.
For there on a Green Hill called Calvary
He purchased at infinite cost
Sweet rest for the soul that is weary
And hope for the soul that is lost.
Ambassadors! Lord we beseech Thee,
Ordain us for ever to be.
That through us the world may believe Thee,
From grief and from guilt be set free.
Ambassadors! Ambassadors for Christ!
How glorious our commission,
Ambassadors! Ambassadors!
We beseech you in Christ's name
Be reconciled to God
Ambassadors For Christ
Location: CFOT St. John's
Territorial Commander: Commissioner Will Pratt
Training Principal: Major Shirley Rowsell
Total number of Cadets: 25
Total number of Officers commissioned: 25
Preceded By: Messengers of Joy 1986-1988
Followed By: Witnesses for Jesus 1988-1990
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