Crusaders for Christ Session 1992 - 1994
Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)
Vocal Fanfare:
Men: Answer the call in response to the Lord!
Ladies: Give Him your all and proclaim His good word!
Into a world that is needing us
Men: Marching with Christ who is leading us
All: Forward we go; we’re Crusaders for Christ!
1. With courage and a zeal that’s born
Of faith in God’s own word
We face the challenge of today
By trusting in the Lord.
Equipped with armour, sword and shield
And in the spirit’s might
We face the foe with confidence
We’ll triumph for the right.
Crusaders for Christ, engaged in holy warfare
‘Gainst the enemies of God
Crusaders for Christ enabled by the Spirit’s power
To challenge all that’s wrong
Crusaders for Christ committed to the task of
Leading men to realms above
Beneath the banner of the cross
We’ll win the world for God.
Our quest, to do the will of Him
Who called us to the war
We seek to rescue from sin’s grasp
The lost, the weak, the poor.
Well grounded in the word of truth
God’s spirit in our heart
We enter the battle unafraid
Prepared to do our part!
Our fight in not ‘gainst flesh and blood
But rulers of the dark
The gift of God becomes a flame
By fanning faith’s small spark
With courage we engage the foe
Determined to succeed
In Christ we shall be conquerors
Sin’s slaves shall be freed!
Words by: Gary Venables
Music by: Gary Venables and Ken Smith
Crusaders for Christ
Location: CFOT St. John's
Territorial Commander: Commissioner Roy Calvert
Training Principal: Major David Hiscock
Total number of Cadets: 17
Total number of Officers commissioned: 17
Preceded By: Heralds of Jesus 1991-1993
Followed By: Messengers of Hope 1993-1995
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