Followers of Jesus Session 1990 - 1992

Sessional Picture

Followers of Jesus Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song

1. From the Lord the call to follow,
Clearly sounded, clearly heard,
Waken’d us from sinful slumber,
Stirr’d our spirits by his word.
So, we took the way of Jesus,
Learned and loved and grew in grace;
Thus, to find our life’s vocation,
In his ministry our place.

We are followers of Jesus,
This our high resolve, our aim;
Followers of Jesus only,
Sworn to service in his name.

2. See beyond us lies the battle,
There the Saviour’ s standard flies.
To the field where war awaits us,
We must follow, fight and die.
Ours the path of costly service,
‘Neath the Blood and Fire unfurl’d,
Ours to love and serve and follow
Such a Christ in such a world.

3. First, we come in dedication,
Swords upon his alter lay,
Pray for grace to match our calling,
Seek for strength to meet our day.
Jesus, take us, shape us, make us,
Courage give us, meet our need.
A we go, great God, go with us,
As we follow, do thou lead.

Words: Edward Read
Music: Kenneth Smith

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags


Followers of Jesus

Followers of Jesus

Location: CFOT St. John's

Territorial Commander: Commissioner Wesley Harris

Training Principal: Major Lloyd Heatherington

Total number of Cadets: 15

Total number of Officers commissioned: 15

Preceded By: Servants of Jesus 1989-1991

Followed By: Heralds of Jesus 1991-1993