Messengers of Peace Session 1985 - 1987
Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)
War is raging, fierce the battle
Bloodshed and hatred are sweeping the land!
Man against brother, nation with nation,
Casualties reported on every hand!
Turmoil and strife, mid the echo of guns
A rising crescendo of angry tongues
When will it end?
Where is release?
Will we never find hope?
Will we never find peace?
Peace is the message, let the cry ring out
Let us sing and shout
We possess a gospel making wars to cease,
Go with the message, O messenger of peace.
0 messenger be strong in His power, in His might!
Go forth into battlefields, braving the fight!
Put on the full armour to stand 'gainst the foe!
With the message of peace, in His strength you must go!
We battle not 'gainst flesh and blood,
We battle 'gainst the dark
We battle principles and powers, where Satan leaves his mark
Our weapons are invincible, the armour is the Lord's ,
And by His help in evil days, we'll stand against the hordes.
With truth as our watchword and tower
With righteousness every hour
The shield of faith for fiery darts
And salvation's almighty power.
The Sword of the Spirit in hand
The prayer of faith for our land
Keeping watch daily with all perseverance
And valiantly taking our stand!
And having the message of peace
The glorious message of peace
An army that's marching, our feet shod with peace
And the glorious message of peace.
Peace mid the struggles of a war-torn world
Peace to a troubled soul in misery hurled
Peace mid the torment brought by sin and shame
Peace bringing hope that we can live again
Peace to a child that feels there's none to care
Peace to a mother mid her deep despair
Peace to a man within his darkest hour
Peace that will triumph through the Master's power
Take the message, share the message, proclaim the message O messenger of peace!
Words William Ratcliff
Music Wilfred Ratcliff
Messengers of Peace
Location: CFOT St. John's
Territorial Commander: Commissioner Will Pratt
Training Principal: Major Shirley Rowsell
Total number of Cadets: 25
Total number of Officers commissioned: 24
Preceded By: Proclaimers of the Gospel 1984-1986
Followed By: Messengers of Joy 1986-1988
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