Servants of God Session 1982 - 1984

Sessional Picture

Servants of God Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song

Give us a King, the crowd demanded.
Give us a King o'er us to reign.
A warrior King, our arms commanded
Our glorious kingdom to regain.

God gave a King! His own Son.
A Servant!
No golden crown upon His head.
By love He served. By love triumphant.
The royal road we all must tread.

Called to serve God,
Called to follow
Called to follow all the way.
Called to serve God,
Called today and called tomorrow,
Called the love of Christ portray.
Called to serve God Walking in the way Christ trod.

Born to be, called to be
Glad to be and proud to be
Servants of God.

Girded with towel Lord,
Thee we would serve.
Even from task abhorred
We would not swerve.
Serve Thou humanity
Through our humility.

Show forth Thy sovereignty
By grace outpoured.
We follow Christ
And share His calling,
Costly the task to seek and save.

His war against wickedness appalling,
His love that gave and gave
The Servant Lord, by God anointed
To us today His will makes known,
We Servants are by God appointed
To claim all peoples as His own.

Words: Harry Read
Music: John Larsson

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags


Servants of God

Servants of God

Location: CFOT St. John's

Territorial Commander: Commissioner Arthur Pitcher

Training Principal: Major David Hammond

Total number of Cadets: 25

Total number of Officers commissioned: 25

Preceded By: Heralds of Hope 1981-1983

Followed By: Guardians of the Truth 1983-1985