Servants of Jesus Session 1989 - 1991
Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)
Jesus became a servant,
Jesus, the Son of God,
Jesus, the suffering servant,
Jesus, the Son of God.
Obeying only the Father's will,
He died alone on a cold, dark hill,
Jesus, God's Son, the sinless one,
He became a servant,
Jesus, the suffering servant.
For us he left his glory above,
Emptied himself of all but love,
Down, down he came, no other name
Could bring to us salvation.
Obeying only the Father's will,
He died alone on a cold, dark hill,
Jesus, God's Son, the sinless one,
He became a servant,
Jesus, the suffering servant.
Humbly we come to be servants too,
Ready our Master's will to do,
Giving up all, obeying the call
To be servants,
Servants of Jesus.
No more our lives will be our own,
Our first commitment to Christ alone,
We'll be his feet, his voice, his hands,
Serving others as love demands.
And if the cross gets heavy some day,
And we are tempted to leave God's way,
We'll remember the suffering servant,
Jesus, the suffering servant.
Humbly we come to be servants too,
Ready our Master's will to do,
Giving up all, obeying the call
To be servants,
To be servants of Jesus.
His servants we'll be!
Words, Major William Reader
Music Captain Kenneth Smith
Servants of Jesus
Location: CFOT St. John's
Territorial Commander: Commissioner Wesley Harris
Training Principal: Major Lloyd Heatherington
Total number of Cadets: 18
Total number of Officers commissioned: 17
Preceded By: Witnesses for Jesus 1988-1990
Followed By: Followers of Jesus 1990-1992
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