Shepherds 1953 - 1954

Sessional Picture

Shepherds Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song

I lingered 'neath the lowering skies
Where oft the weary Shepherd lay,
When all around had gone to rest
And waited for return of day.
The heavens withheld its beams of light;
The clouds foretold a gathering storm.
A lonely figure raised His head.
I saw the troubled, weary form.

"My sheep! My lambs! does no one care,
Nor lead them to my wounded side?
Or must they perish, one by one,
My lambs for whom their Shepherd died?"
His head upon His bosom now;
His heart bowed down with grief and woe;
"Will no one go the lost to save,
That all My lambs My love may know?"

With broken heart I bowed me down
Before my God, now torn as man;
"May I Thy deepest burden share
In this Thy great redemptive plan?
I give my life; I give my all,
Nor stoop to reckon up the cost.
A broken, contrite heart I give,
Thy lambs to save, to seek the lost."

Words by Brigadier J. Fraser Morrison
Music by Colonel B. Coles

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags




Location: CFOT St. John's

Territorial Commander: Commissioner William Dalziel

Training Principal: Brigadier Fraser Morisson

Total number of Cadets: 16

Total number of Officers commissioned: 16

Preceded By: Heralds 1952-1953

Followed By: Soul Winners 1954-1955