Visionaries 2004 - 2006

Sessional Picture

Visionaries Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song

We can see a world that's broken by its pain;

We can see a world for which our Savior came;

We can see a world that’s lost and in despair,

Who will go... who will go?

To show them Jesus cares?

We can see a world that Jesus came to save;

We can see a world for which his life he gave;

We can see God's grace;

it's changing lives anew;

Who will go. . . who will go?

To show what God can do?



We nave one vision - we nave one goal

To proclaim the name of Jesus Christ

Where he leads us we will go;

Breaking through the darkness;

'With eyes of faith we see

All that God has planned this world to be;

All that God has planned this world to be.

We have seen the Lord exalted on His throne;

We have seen the One who rules this world alone;

We have heard his voice;

it's calling out our name;

We will go. . . we will go ...

His promises we claim!

No matter what the cost or if we gain or lose;

We've surrendered all; God's purposes we choose, ·

Even when we doubt or

fear and questions come;

We will go ... we will go ...

Our mission has begun!


Words and music by Major Julie Slous

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags




Location: CFOT St. John's

Territorial Commander: Commissioner Christine MacMillan

Training Principal: Major Ray Harris

Total number of Cadets: 13

Total number of Officers commissioned: 13

Preceded By: Preparers of the Way 2003 - 2005

Last Session of Cadets Trained in St. John's