Bridgebuilders 2002 - 2004

Sessional Picture

Bridgebuilders Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song

There’s just one way to life with God the Father
There’s just one way through Jesus Christ the Lord.
But people need to have direction,
Help find the way.
They need to hear the Saviour’ s message
In the living Word.

We are bridgebuilders,
Leading the way to the Kingdom of God.
We are bridgebuilders,
Leading the way to the Kingdom of God.

We’ll build for them, bridges for the journey,
We’ll build for them bridges from the heart.
Made of righteousness and deeds of kindness,
Reconciling love;
With justice and with words of truth;
By grace we’ll do our part.
We build for them. We’ll build for them.

Words and music by Major Donna Millar

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags




Location: CFOT Toronto

Territorial Commander: Commissioner Christine MacMillan

Training Principal: Major Sandra Rice

Total number of Cadets: 19

Total number of Officers commissioned: 17

Preceded By: Believers 2001 - 2003

Last Session of Cadets trained at CFOT Toronto (Bayview Campus)

CFOT Toronto reopened in 2022 : 2022 - 2024