Builders of the Kingdom Session 1996 - 1998

Sessional Picture

Builders of the Kingdom Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song

The stone the builders rejected
Has become the Cornerstone.
This rock, though it causes men to stumble,
Is Christ the living stone!
We declare the praises of the Father
Who calls us from the darkness
Into his wondrous light.
We declare the praises of God's people
Are praises of a nation
Made holy in his sight.

Master builder, use us like living stones,
Make us into an altar,
Build up a Spiritual home.
Master builder, accept our sacrifice,
Prepare your royal priesthood
In the name of Jesus Christ.

The stone the builders rejected
Has become the Cornerstone.
This rock, though it causes men to stumble,
Is Christ the living stone!
We declare the praises of the Father
Who calls us from the darkness
Into his wondrous light.
We declare the praises of God's people
Are praises of a nation
Made holy in his sight.;

Master builder, your household is secure
Through prophets and apostles
Whose teaching has endur'd.
Master builder, your temple will arise
As we are built together
In the name of Jesus Christ.

The stone the builders rejected
Has become the Cornerstone.
This rock, though it causes men to stumble,
Is Christ the living stone!
We declare the praises of the Father

Words and Music - Leonard Ballantine

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags


Builders of the Kingdom

Builders of the Kingdom

Location: CFOT Toronto

Territorial Commander: Commissioner Donald Kerr

Training Principal: Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Moore

Total number of Cadets: 26

Total number of Officers commissioned: 26

Preceded By: Messemgers of God's Love 1995-1997

Followed By: Faithful Intercessors 1997-1999