Courageous 1957 - 1958

Sessional Picture

Courageous Sessional Picture

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There is a quality which, controlling the heart in the clay of conflict, denies supremacy
even to the mightiest adversary and through the smoke of battle discerns, however dimly,
the outline of victory.
Bold, persistent, enduring, this is the quality named COURAGE and without it the
bravest banner that floats over a battlefield becomes the funeral-pall of the defeated.

Within a world beset by war we build with sword in hand
A highway for the Lord our God in this and ev'ry land:
And many are the foes we meet who all their arts employ
To turn us from our high emprise and all our work destroy,
But not with carnal swords we strive nor yet 'gainst flesh and blood
Our war is of the spirit realm where evil fights with good:
Yet we are on the battlefield and mighty is the foe,
And of the highest order is the courage we must show.

We will walk the world as conquerors, for conquerors we will be;
To any coward compromise we will not bend the- knee:
But this, 0 Lord, we ask of Thee who unto death hast striv'n,
The courage 0f the Crucified to us be richly giv'n.

Trained and equipped for war, eagerly combatant,
Thus, we go forth on our calling Divine;
Boldly, courageously, joyfully, hopefully,
Knowing, 0 Lord, that the battle is Thine:
Seeing with ardent eyes visions of Calvary
And in a Cross laid down Love's vict'ry sign.

“And it came to pass when the days were well-nigh come that He should be received
up, He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem."
There was no hazard in the decision upon which hung the destiny of our race, for
hazard implies the possibility of escape, however slender. Here Christ accepted certainty,
thereby setting the world the supreme example of courage.
Out of that acceptance, because of that courage, came the certainty of men's salvation
which, God helping us, we will devotedly and unceasingly proclaim.

"Fear not!" The Master's cry rings out o'er ev'ry battle-plain
And drooping· hands are lifted up and hearts grow strong again;
Great Captain-Comrade, stand ·with us, inseparably nigh
When we our great antagonist courageously defy.
Courageous, yes, this name we bear; by this shall we be known;
Lord, grant to us that on the field great courage may be shown.
As we in ceaseless war engage, Thy Kingdom to extend,
Keep us, O Lord, in life, in death, courageous to the encl.

Words and music by Will J Brand

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags




Location: CFOT Toronto

Territorial Commander: Commissioner Wycliffe Booth

Training Principal: Lieutenant Colonel William Rich

Total number of Cadets: 64

Total number of Officers commissioned: 64

Preceded By: Faithful 1956-1957

Followed By: Pioneers 1958-1959