God's Soldiers Session 1979 - 1981

Sessional Picture

God's Soldiers Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song
I am the voice of a world in need,
Come behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow!
My children perish before the flaming sword of sin -
My wounds are sore I
Who will gird himself for my deliverance.


We would be Soldiers of the King of Kings,
We would battle neath Jehovah's spreading wings,
We would be clothed with the armor of the spirit.
We are redeemed by a Saviour's dying merit.
Deep in our hearts resounds the clarion call,
Gladly we bring our lives, our love, our all .
To rescue thy children o world in despair,
To bring into being a kingdom most fair,
To fight 'til our King the crown shall wear.
To die if required, but never to yield,
To conquer with Christ on a spattered field,
For this, for this, we have come, we have come.


Come, lay thy youth at Jesus feet,
Come, make thy sacrifice complete,
Come, give thy heart with love replete,
Thus you can be God's Soldier.


Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power,
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?


0 cleanse us Saviour with the blood of calvary,
0, clothe us, Holy Spirit with wondrous love,
No carnal sword would we lay before thee,
0 make us clean ere on the field we move,
Breathe upon me, even in me!


Lo I have heard thy cry,
Lo I have breathed upon thee,
And, in my spirit clothed thee!
Go! the battle awaits!


Now we are Soldiers, God's anointed,
Soldiers, now the battle is not ours, but His
Now with joy we take the field;
At His name the foe shall yield;
To bring in the kingdom
To set the prisoner free,
To bring our laurels to His pierced feet,
To offer unto Him the homage meet,
And through eternity His fame repeat.
Through eternity His name repeat,
We are God's Soldiers.


Words: Commissioner Arthur Pitcher
Music: Brigadier H. L. Rawlin

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags


God's Soldiers

God's Soldiers

Location: CFOT Toronto

Territorial Commander: Commissioner John Waldron

Training Principal: Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Brown

Total number of Cadets: 44

Total number of Officers commissioned: 44

Preceded By: Proclaimers of Salvation 1978-1980

Followed By: God's Messengers 1980-1982