Guardians of the Truth Session 1983 - 1985
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Sessional Song
Called to service in the Saviour's Name;
We go at God's command, As on His Word we stand.
We are Guardians of the Truth,
We are Guardians of the Truth,
And thus we will go.
There's a war that we are fighting,
In faith we are uniting;
Though the foe is sin,
We are sure to win
For the battle is the Lord's.
In the Name of Jesus we go with the Living Word,That brings to every nation the· message of salvation.
We the call obeying, and fired by the hope of youth,
Accept our great commission as Guardians of the Truth. To the world we proclaim there is mercy for sinful men, ·
Precious truth unfolding of a Saviour's love;
In the Name of Jesus we go with the Living Word,
The Gospel news is sounding, Love's message shall be heard.
Before Thy cross we humbly kneel and dedicate ourselves to Thee,
Thy power within we long to feel, to know a life of victory.
Give strength to meet all life's demands, Give grace for every time of need;
Thy presence, Lord, do we implore, No need we ask for more, When this we humbly plead.
Fear not, I am with thee, 0 be not dismayed,
For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid! I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by My gracious omnipotent hand. (Keith)
Called by love's compelling claim,
Called to service in the Saviour's Name.
We go at God's command, as on His Word we stand,
We are Guardians of the Truth,
We are Guardians of the Truth,
Proclaiming the Word of the Lord!
Words and Music by Colonel Kenneth Rawlins (R)
Guardian of the Truth
Location: CFOT Toronto
Territorial Commander: Commissioner Will Pratt
Training Principal: Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Brown
Total number of Cadets: 41
Total number of Officers commissioned: 41
Preceded By: Servants of God 1982-1984
Followed By: Proclaimers of the Gospel 1984-1986
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