Intercessors 1951 - 1952

Sessional Picture

Intercessors Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song

"Intercessors." "Intercessors."
Oh, that one mlght plead for a man with God
As a man pleadeth for his neighbour,
I exhort, therefore, that intercession be made for all men!

Intercessors, Intercessors, Intercessors,
We go forth to plead with men,
Intercessors! Bringing them to God again,
Intercessors! Guardians of the Mercy Seat,
Intercessors! Winning souls our joy complete!

See me at Thine altar, Hear me plead,
See me at Thine altar, Hear me intercede,
Interceding Saviour, Heed the world's great need,
See me at Thine altar, Hear me intercede.
The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much,
availeth much,
Therefore, will we be intercessors.

Our eyes behold man's bitter plight,
The darker night of sin,
Our eyes enfold the woes of those
Whose anguish grows within,
We dare, 0 Lord, to intercede,
And humbly plead for all
Of those whose souls Thy cross has bought,
Thy love has sought to call.

God grant the prophet's flame may fall,
Oh, hear our call, we pray,
As at Thine altar we abide,
And close beside Thee stay,
Our arms around the world we serve,
With holy verve inspire,
We lift our hearts to intercede,
Oh, meet our need with Fire.

Intercessors! Intercessors! Intercessors we will be!

Composed by Major Arnold Brown

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags




Location: CFOT Toronto

Territorial Commander: Commissioner William Dalziel

Training Principal: Colonel Rufus Spooner

Total number of Cadets: 62

Total number of Officers commissioned: 62

Preceded By: Ambassadors 1950-1951

Followed By: Heralds 1952-1953