Joyful Evangelists Session 1977 - 1979

Sessional Picture

Joyful Evangelists Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song
Joyful Evangelists! Joyful Evangelists!
Joy shall be in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth.
Joyful Evangelists!


Joy is the theme of our song, more than our, hearts can contain,
For we to Jesus belong, Life we have found through His Name,
Once we were lost and confused, wandering with no one to guide,
But Jesus found us! But Jesus found us! And in His love, we abide!


With joy in our hearts we heard the message,
With joy in our hearts we proved it true,
With joy in our hearts we share 1his gospel
Now with you.


Joyful Evangelists!
The Lord said, "I send you forth, and say unto them,
The Kingdom of Heaven is come nigh unto you.
The Kingdom of Heaven is nigh unto you,"
And they returned with joy.


Joy is the name of our song, as we the gospel proclaim;
Sent at our Savior’s command, Souls for His Kingdom to gain.
People without any hope Wait for the message we bring;
Despair displaces; and joy replaces, when they make Jesus their King.


Joyful Evangelists!
These things we write unto you, that your joy may be full.
The fruit of the Spirit, fruit of the Spirit is joy,
If we live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit
The fruit is joy, is joy.


Joy is the theme of our song, Joy more complete every day;
Fruit of the Spirit of God, nothing can take it away,
Shadows may darken our road, Sorrow ma bring inner pain,
But trusting Jesus, our Lord to lead. us, joy all our lives will remain.
Joyful Evangelists! Joyful Evangelists! Joyful! Joyful!


Words and Music by Captain and Mrs. Robert Redhead

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags


Joyful Evangelists

Joyful Evangelists

Location: CFOT Toronto

Territorial Commander: Commissioner John Waldron

Training Principal: Lieutenant Colonel Gladys McGregor

Total number of Cadets: 37

Total number of Officers commissioned: 37

Preceded By: Disciples of Jesus 1976-1978

Followed By: Proclaimers of Salvation 1978-1980