Messengers of Joy Session 1986 - 1988

Sessional Picture

Messengers of Joy Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song

The night came down on the garden

The tomb was guarded and sealed

0, that they might find pardon that their broken hearts might be healed.

They had left Him there in His sorrow,  and forsaken Him in His pain.

For them there was no tomorrow. They would meet Him never again.


A Chorus (Unison)

But there are angels in the dawn, and the

        curse of death is gone .

And the world is alight with His glory .

The Living Christ their fears destroy, they are

Messengers of joy, and rejoice as they run to

tell the story.


But Roman might is appalling, its lust and cruelty strong .

Today the Caesar is calling for blood that will please the throng.

The Heroes of faith from their prison, their faces fixed on the sky,

Beholding the Christ who was risen, they sing as they come to die .


B Chorus

Weeping, suffering may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Our bodies here we lay at our Master's feet today,

Our lives to be used for His adorning.



The skies are grey with foreboding. Men's hearts are

failing for fear.

Confidence is eroding, and holocaust seems to

be near.

There are tears in the eyes of children , sin takes its

tribute of pain.

Is there no _balm in Gilead? Will He not revive us again?


"B" Chorus twice through .


CODA: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them that bring

good tidings .

Good tidings , good tidings, good tidings, good tidings, good tidings

of Joy!


Words: Commissioner A. Pitcher (R)

Music: Lieutenant K. Smith

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags


Messengers of Joy

Messengers of Joy

Location: CFOT Toronto

Territorial Commander: Commissioner Will Pratt

Training Principal: Lieutenant Colonel Donald Kerr

Total number of Cadets: 28

Total number of Officers commissioned: 28

Preceded By: Messengers of Peace 1985-1987

Followed By: Ambassadors for Christ 1987-1989