Messengers of Peace Session 1985 - 1987
Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)
The Prince of Peace has come! His perfect work is done!
And we are called to be Messengers, Messengers,
"Messengers of Peace."
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them that bring good tidings;
That publisheth peace (sweet peace). That publisheth peace (sweet peace)
That publisheth peace (sweet peace). That publisheth peace."
Over mountains, over the seas, Hark! What message floats on the breeze,
Into homes with sorrow and sighing, Cringing and crying, Darkness and dying.
'Tis the Good News Christ came to bring, "Peace on earth," the song angels sing;
Peace of heart for all who follow, Christ as Lord and King;
Yes there is peace of heart for all who follow Jesus as Lord and King.
"My peace," saith Him who sends us His messengers to be,
"My peace I leave with you; My peace I leave with you;"
"My peace I give to you."
Sweet peace, Sweet peace,
"Peace, perfect peace; Peace, perfect peace!
Let the peace of God rule in your heart; let the peace of God rule in your heart;
Let the peace of God rule in your heart;
For there is joy and peace (and peace) in believing.
We have heard God's call and obeyed, On His altar our lives are laid;
We've found peace and joy in believing, Burdens relieving, God's grace receiving.
And this message we have been given, For this world by selfishness driven,
Peace of heart for all who follow, Christ as Lord and King.
Yes there is peace of heart for all who follow Jesus as Lord and King.
In the name of God the Father, in the name of God the Son,
And in the name of the Holy Spirit,
This purpose we'll hold fast, As long as life shall last
To be Messengers,
To be Messengers of Peace.
Words and Music by Arnold Brown General (R)
Messengers of Joy
Location: CFOT Toronto
Territorial Commander: Commissioner Will Pratt
Training Principal: Lieutenant Colonel Donald Kerr
Total number of Cadets: 39
Total number of Officers commissioned: 39
Preceded By: Proclaimers of the Gospel 1984-1986
Followed By: Messengers of Joy 1986-1988
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