Sword Bearers 1955 - 1956
Sessional Picture
Sessional Members (Cadets)
Armed to fight the rulers of darkness,
We will wage a war 'gainst spiritual wickedness.
To the Field-never yield-
In the strength of the Lord we are Sword Bearers.
Dark the night, deep the pain,
Where powers of evil reign;
The love of Christ unknown,
The slaves of sin alone-in bondage.
Tell the news, preach the Word,
Love's message must be heard.
So forth we go with the Gospel of truth,
And the courage of youth who have faith in God;
Armed with the Word of the Lord,
The invincible Sword, mighty weapon of God.
With Sword in hand we go, and the enemy assail;
Hell's legions overthrow, for the Righteous shall prevail.
With purpose and with power we the Living Word proclaim_:
Our faith will never falter as the Sword of Truth we bravely wield.
Through Jesus we shall conquer,
See His mighty power revealed.
Ever onward then to victory
In the fight for truth and liberty;
We will answer the Call and whatever befall
We'll be true to the King of kings.
Lord, hear our prayer, we come to Thee in weakness –
Help us be strong in the strength from Thee alone.
Filled with Thy Spirit and living in Thy likeness,
Faith, hope, and love be ours; make us Thine own.
Words and Music - Senior Captain K. Rawlins
Sword Bearers
Location: CFOT Toronto
Territorial Commander: Commissioner Wycliffe Booth
Training Principal: Lieutenant Colonel William Rich
Total number of Cadets: 55
Total number of Officers commissioned: 55
Preceded By: Soul Winners 1954-1955
Followed By: Faithful 1956-1957
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