Heralds of the Good News 2005 - 2007

Sessional Picture

Heralds of the Good News Sessional Picture

Sessional Members (Cadets)

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Sessional Song

Looking 'round this world we see; So much pain and agony;

People searching for a way; Lost in dark and deep dismay;

And the Spirit of the Lord falls upon us;

The Spirit of the Lord speaks our name;

The Spirit of the Lord comes with power

Anointing us with a message to proclaim;


Our God can make the blind to see; Open doors, set the captive free;

He can bring you hope and peace; Joy so deep it will never cease;

And the Spirit of the Lord falls upon us;

The Spirit of the Lord speaks our name;

The Spirit of the Lord comes with power

Anointing us with a message to proclaim;


We'll tell the good news of Jesus, Have you heard about his love;

We'll tell the good news of a Savior who came from heav'n above;

We'll tell the good news of a loving God who can make your life brand new;

We will tell of His grace and His goodness and all that our God can do

We will tell of His grace and His goodness and all that our God can do


Loving Father hear our prayer;

Keep us in your watchful care;

Guard us from the evil one

Let your work in us be done;

And the Spirit of the Lord falls upon us;

The Spirit of the Lord speaks our name;

The Spirit of the Lord comes with power

Anointing us with a message to proclaim;


We'll tell the good news of Jesus, Have you heard about his love;

We'll tell the good news of a Savior who came from heav'n above;

We'll tell the good news of a loving God who can make your life brand new;

We will tell of His grace and His goodness and all that our God can do

We will tell of His grace and His goodness and all that our God can do

We will tell of His grace and His goodness and all that our God can do


Words and music by Major Julie Slous

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags


Heralds of the Good News

Heralds of the Good News

Location: CFOT Winnipeg

Territorial Commander: Commissioner Christine MacMillan

Training Principal: Major Sandra Rice

Total number of Cadets: 24

Total number of Officers commissioned: 23

First Session to be trained in Winnipeg since the closure of the Winnipeg College in 1932

Followed By: God's Fellow Workers 2006-2008