Witnesses for Christ 2007 - 2009
Sessional Picture
Sessional Members (Cadets)
Lord, may my witness ring true
May all I do be for you;
Whether the task be mundane or sublime
Let all the glory be yours and not mine;
Lord, touch my actions with grace
As I my mission embrace.
Witness for Christ, to the joy of a full salvation.
Grace freely given that knows no end,
Peace that is real and is past human comprehension,
Witness to love on which all can depend.
Where there's injustice, where faith is decried,
Where hearts are aching, and freedom denied,
Where being different can cause a divide,
We will witness for Christ;
To the a/I-inclusive love of Christ.
Lord, may my witness be heard
When I speak truth from your Word;
Whether to many or only to one,
May I speak plainly that souls may be won;
Lord, may your Spirit inspire,
Touch every word with your fire.
Lord, may my witness bring light
To those who live in the night;
May what I do and the things that I say
Bring those in darkness to glorious day;
Lord, help me hasten the dawn,
Let seeking souls be reborn.
Words by Keith Banks
Witnesses for Christ
Location: CFOT Winnipeg
Territorial Commander: Commissioner William Francis
Training Principal: Major Sandra Rice
Total number of Cadets: 16
Total number of Officers commissioned: 16
Preceded By: Gos's Fellow Workers 2006-2008
Followed By: Prayer Warriors 2008-2010
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