So, you want to begin implementing @theREADY at your corps…

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Are you a CO or Youth Pastor? No? Then, make sure your Corps Officer or lead Youth Ministry Worker is aware that you want your corps to on-board with Orange, and have them visit this site or contact your DYS to let us know you’re in!

2. Have your Corps Officer or lead Youth Worker submit the information in the form below, or provide it to you DYS.

3. Know that after on-boarding, your corps will be charged $600 (CAD) annually from July-June, for access to all the curriculum, strategy and resources available to you through Orange.

That’s it!
We’ll take it from there to activate your account with Orange.
Once your account is active, you’ll receive an email from your Orange Specialist, as well as from a team member from Canada Bermuda Youth, to welcome you, and to help get you started.

Please fill out the form below to begin the discipleship framework onboarding!
    • (Check all that apply)
    • (If no, please list the first and last name, as well as the email, of the person acting as account admin below)
    • (Check all that apply)

We’ve put together a “Navigating ORANGE and Implementing @theREADY” introduction guide that will be important to help you get things off the ground successfully in your setting. With anything new, there’ll be some initial steps you won’t want to miss. You’ll need to Start Here, before jumping in and using the new curriculum. And once you’ve completed the guide, you’ll be @theREADY to begin launch countdown… 10… 9… 8…