2023/2024 Tour Schedule

The Canadian Staff Songsters have the following weekends/events booked and in the calendar for the 2023/2024 season:

July 28-August 2                     Old Orchard Beach, Maine

September 30 & Oct 1         CSS retreat

October 21                                 Saturday only - Heritage Brass – Oshawa

November 4 & 5                      Peterborough

December 2                               CWTSA

2024 Tour Schedule

February 3 & 4                         Simcoe CC

March 2 & 3                               Brantford CC

April 5,6,7                                   ISS, USE and USC Staff Songsters visit to Toronto

May 4 & 5                                    Barrhaven, Ottawa

June 1 & 2                                   Orillia Citadel 40th anniversary

Saturday, June 22                  Commissioning

August 4-10                              USA Southern Bible Conference

October 5 & 6                           Kitchener Community Church

November 23 & 24                Dearborn Heights Thanksgiving Festival

December 14                            CWTSA