Community Outreach

Chat & Chew
This informal and casual gathering is a great way of getting to know each other better while enjoying tea, coffee and treats. This free event is scheduled the third Sunday of every month immediately following the morning service. Everyone is welcome!

Community Care Ministry
Dedicated to Jesus' call for us to "love our neighbor", the Salvation Army's Care Ministry is aptly named for its mission to help care for the lonely, the shut-in, the sick and vulnerable in the community. From visiting nursing home, residential care facilities and hospitals, to making phone calls and sending cards, Community Cares Ministry volunteers provide a listening ear, friendly conversations, warm smiles and spiritual support.

Volunteering Makes a Difference!!
We count on volunteers to uplift, support and bring our communities together. The time and skills volunteers dedicate help further our mission and extend the services we are able to provide to so many in need. Whether it's serving a meal, or standing beside a Christmas Kettle, you will make a positive contribution. Please contact us (905 722 3059) if you would like to be a part of our Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign or to find out about other volunteering opportunities.

Family Services
Our Family Services Coordinator will be able to provide assistance on an emergency basis. Please contact Dave (905 722 4613) to make an appointment between 9AM and 2PM