Though Australian born, Colonel Robert S. Harewood is a son of two Yorkshire Methodists who migrated to West Australia when that State was one of the youngest of Britain's colonies. It was immediately after the opening of the Army's work in the little sea-port town of Albany that the Colonel's parents joined up with the new organization and began a life of active Salvationism that continued until their promotion to Glory a few years ago at the respective ages of seventy-eight and eighty-two years.
Officership came as a natural development of his Army life and training. Strangely few have been the Colonel's appointments since, after three months' training, he went out from the Melbourne Training College as Cadet-Captain In charge of his first corps--Canterbury, Victoria.
An appointment to Editorial Work in 1920 was followed by twelve years' service on the Australian “War Cry", with periods as Editor of "The Young Soldier", The Victory" (monthly missionary and holiness magazine), and 'The Local Officer and Bandsman". This was followed by eight years as Manager of the Melbourne Printing Department and Publisher of the "War Cry".
At this time, the Colonel was for many years a member of the Territorial Staff Band, Melbourne, being Secretary to the band for some years, and, later, leader of the band.
Just before the outbreak of World War II, the Colonel (then Major) was appointed Secretary for Trade and Printing, but a year later he was appointed Divisional Commander for South Australia, with oversight also of Red Shield work in that State. Four strenuous but fruitful years were spent in this appointment, which was followed by five years as Field Secretary for the Australian Southern Territory. The Colonel has served for two years in his present position as Chief Secretary 5f the Australian Southern Territory.
Mrs. Colonel Harewood is the daughter of Brigadier and Mrs. Holdaway. The Brigadier was a pioneer of Salvation Army work amongst the Maoris of New Zealand and led a party of these fine folk to the 1894 International Congress in London. He was promoted to Glory in 1913-Mrs. Brigadier Holdaway still survives, though she is now more than eighty-two years of age. Mrs. Harewood was private secretary to the Chief Secretary prior to her marriage. After serving for various periods as a Corps Home League Secretary, and later as Divisional Home League Secretary, Mrs. Harewood has been Territorial Home League Sectary for the Australia Southern Territory since January 1944.
Chief Secretary
ASSUMED OFFICE: August 25, 1950 to September 12, 1954
PRECEDED BY: Colonel William Dray
SUCCEEDED BY: Colonel William Davidson