Lieutenant (Lay Postion) - 2001 to 2008

The rank of Lieutenant (2001 to 2008) is one of a noncommissioned Officer.

The trim of an Lieutenant (2001 to 2008) consists ofstar insignia on red epaulet encircled by a black braid.

Collar patches consits of two silver “S’s” on two small red patches which are placed on each side of the tunic.

At this point in history, all new Officers began their ministry with the rank of Captain. The former commissioned rank of Lieutenant was replaced, and signified a Salvationist who wished to give " agreed term of service or service not bound by the full conditions of offership, and designates the person as an authorized leader within the Army.” 1


  1. The General,The Salvation Army (202).The Salvation Army Year Book. Campfield Press. p: 37.

Salvation Army - Canada - Bermuda Flags


Lieutenant (Lay Position)

Lieutenant 2001-2008


Status: Discontinued

Date Started: 2001

Date Discontinued: 2008