On Saturday, June 22, Mississauga Community Church, Ont., was filled with jubilance and excitement as Salvationists, officers, training college personnel, family and friends gathered for the ordination and commissioning of five cadets in the Defenders of Justice Session.
The Canadian Staff Songsters (CSS), led by Songster Leader Cathie Koehnen, and the Canadian Staff Band (CSB), led by Bandmaster John Lam, set a cheerful tone with a musical prelude, and the CSB accompanied the entrance of the territorial flag and platform party.

“As Jesus called his disciples to lay down their nets to follow him, so these cadets, soon to be lieutenants, have laid aside their personal ambitions and desires to follow Jesus through the ministry of The Salvation Army,” said Colonel John Chamness, chief secretary, who welcomed the congregation to the sacred service.
As the CSS sang In Christ’s Footsteps, with music by Captain Nicholas Samuel and words by Major Heather Samuel, corps officers at London Citadel, Ont.,the Defenders of Justice entered the sanctuary, following Cadet Mirna Dirani, who carried the sessional flag. One by one, each cadet approached the platform and raised a word or phrase that has special meaning to them and their officership journey: defend, speak up, hope, listen and love. These words are symbolic of their role in The Salvation Army, as Defenders of Justice, to help fight and overcome injustice in the world.
The Next Chapter
NEON, the territorial staff worship team, then led the congregation in What a Faithful God, and Major Deana Zelinsky, training principal at the College for Officer Training (CFOT) in Toronto, reflected on the sessional verse, Micah 6:8.
“Micah 6:8 encapsulates the spirit and dedication of the Defenders of Justice. ‘O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God,’ ” said Major Zelinsky. “The Defenders of Justice have exemplified true and passionate Salvationist identity. They uphold their sessional name and are ready for the next chapter of life in ministry, resolute in their calling, committed to holy living, dedicated to God’s glory and The Salvation Army’s mission.”
Together, the Defenders of Justice presented the Officer’s Covenant in both English and Arabic to honour the languages represented within the session. Then, they stood before Colonel John Chamness for their Declaration of Faith, reciting the doctrines of The Salvation Army and promising to faithfully maintain them in ministry.
Commissioner Debbie Graves, territorial president of women’s ministries, directed a sincere thank you to the cadets for accepting the call of God on their lives, and for their faithfulness and commitment to the mission. She reflected on 1 Peter, reminding the cadets that they have been chosen to be a holy people, to be God’s instruments and to do his work. “In order to do the work of God, we must be the people of God,” said Commissioner Graves. “Defenders of Justice, you have been chosen to be holy participants in building his kingdom as Salvation Army officers.”

Cdt Dirani kneels at the mercy seat in prayer
In a meaningful display of personal commitment, each cadet knelt at the mercy seat in quiet prayer before being ordained and commissioned by Commissioner Lee Graves, territorial commander, and Commissioner Debbie Graves. After saluting the territorial leaders, each cadet received a Scripture verse chosen for them by the staff at CFOT.
“We rejoice that God has called you, equipped you and gifted you for sacred service, and therefore affirm that you are ordained as a minister of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,” said Commissioner Lee Graves as he stood before each cadet. “And now I commission you as an officer of The Salvation Army with the rank of lieutenant.”
The territorial commander followed the ordination and commissioning with a grateful prayer, opening his hands to the Lord in thanks and dedication. The CSS then took to the stage once again for a stirring performance of We Are Held as the platform party and the Defenders of Justice retreated for a brief intermission. When they returned, marching down the aisle to Montreal Citadel by the CSB and a clapping congregation, they wore the red epaulettes of Salvation Army officers.
In The Lord’s Battle
The lieutenants, alongside their respective families and children, each received a recognition of their appointments, and NEON and the congregation joined them in a celebratory and energetic rendition of Drenched in Love.

“My sessionmates and I stand humbly and joyfully before you as newly commissioned officers of The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory,” said Lieutenant Jen Thompson, the Defenders of Justice representative speaker and corps officer at Vernon Community Church, B.C. “As we reflect on our two years of training and as we solemnly consider the covenants we have signed this week, it is so evident to us that we do not stand before you today by our own merit, strength and accomplishments. We once again recognize the call of God on our lives and his enabling and equipping power in us every step of this journey.”
Later, Commissioner Lee Graves returned to the platform to recognize and celebrate the service of Major Patricia Tuppenney, chaplain at the Meighen Health Centre in Toronto, who in June reached the milestone of 50 years of active ministry as a Salvation Army officer.
He then addressed the congregation and the Defenders of Justice, reminding them of one simple truth about God: “He will never fail you.” His message instilled a sense of hope as the new officers return to their respective appointments to engage in full-time ministry.
“Belonging to the Lord means that we belong in the battle,” he said. “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the King, because he is leading the battle. He is the greatest defender of justice. While he endured the greatest injustice in the process of being and doing so, he secured the ultimate justice for humanity. He will never fail you. He will never let you down. He defeated the degrading power of evil and darkness, and in its place, he brought light, life, love and hope. And we are on the battlefield with King Jesus.”
Commissioner Graves then led the congregation in soulful worship, singing All to Jesus I Surrender, accompanied by Rachel Ewing on the piano. He invited members of the congregation to approach the mercy seat, and a group of officers and Salvationists came forward, surrounding each other in prayer.
The Battle Cry
“This country, this nation, this territory needs The Salvation Army,” said Commissioner Graves as the service came to a close. “We’re going to change the narrative across the nation, and we’re going to rise up, moved by the Holy Spirit of God, and we are going to be a force to be reckoned with, because we know that he is the power over darkness, he is light in the world and he is love. And we get to do this together.”
In closing, Major Carson Decker, territorial candidates secretary, gave a final prayer and the congregation stood to sing Sound The Battle Cry!, accompanied by the CSB, while clapping and rejoicing for the newly commissioned Defenders of Justice.
The Celebrations Continue
The following morning, the new lieutenants and their families returned to Mississauga Community Church for a Celebration of Calling worship service.
The service opened with a heartwarming video featuring the children of the Defenders of Justice, who shared their own church experiences and what defending justice means to them. The service included musical selections from the Mississauga Community Church band and worship team, the CSS, and a solo by Deliah Williams, accompanied by Rachel Ewing.
“God, you have called each one of us to live and serve you all of our days, and what a joy it is,” prayed Lieutenant Neil Thompson. “Use us—we surrender to your will and to your love, and we ask that you use us to advance your kingdom.”
In a video testimony, the Defenders of Justice discussed their callings and how God brought each of them to become officers with The Salvation Army. “I was saved when I was 18 years old, and I did feel like I wanted to give my life to Jesus, but my life took a turn. A few years later, God said, ‘I still have plans,’ ” said Lieutenant Dirani about her own journey. “It’s all about God’s timing. When you have a calling on your life, you may feel it at a certain time, but it may take a few years until it happens. But throughout that time, God is preparing you for it.”
“My hope and prayer for myself and for all of us is that when we are ministering in our communities, we have the sensitivity and the discernment to see what God is doing there and join his work,” said Lieutenant Tharwat Eskander.
The worship team led the congregation in singing The Servant King, followed by a message from Commissioner Lee Graves who reminded the congregation about God’s plan for their own lives and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
“Let’s not lose our direction. Let’s not forget the reason for which God has raised us up, to be about the good news—the salvation available to the whosoever—and the beautiful opportunity that we have to be disciples of the Lord,” he said. “That’s the great purpose of this movement, and this Army is so well equipped.”
In the final moments of the morning service and the celebrations of the commissioning weekend, the Defenders of Justice and the platform party joined the congregation at the mercy seat in prayer and a touching reprise of All to Jesus I Surrender.
Candidates Breakfast
On Saturday morning, a candidates breakfast invited Salvation Army leaders, cadets and candidates to gather in fellowship as several future officers shared the calling God has placed on their lives. The breakfast provided an opportunity for spiritual reflection as candidates worshipped together and explored their call to officership, receiving prayer and encouragement from current officers and territorial leadership.
Silver Star Luncheon
After the Sunday morning worship service, the newly commissioned officers attended the Silver Star luncheon, where each lieutenant had an opportunity to recognize and express gratitude to their parents or other spiritual mentors for the significant impact they’ve had on their lives.
Photos: Steve Nelson
Watch the ordination and commissioning service here:
Watch the Sunday morning worship service here:
Nice but ONLY 5! We need so much more! What has happened to The Salvation Army in Canada?