The Salvation ArmyArmée du Salut

Gender Equity News and Events graphic


April 29, 2024

The Gender Equity Committee is pleased to announce the launch of a new gender equity website and social media campaign that will aspire to inform, educate, engage and connect with our partners on the importance of gender equity.  Be a gender equity advocate and share our campaign assets to help spread the word on how The Salvation Army, Canada and Bermuda, is #WorkingTowardsEquity together.

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February 23, 2024 

In response to recommendations made by the Gender Equity review committee and approved by the Spiritual & Denominational Affairs Board in 2023, and in keeping with current trends in Corps Mission, we are happy to announce that Women’s Ministry will become part of the Corps Mission Department effective March 1, 2024. Going forward, Women’s Ministry will cease to be its own department in the Canada and Bermuda Territory and will become a part of the corps life team, alongside corps health, children and youth, and music and arts to serve the territory. Commissioner Debbie Graves, Territorial President for Women’s Ministries, will continue to support ministry to and for the women of Canada and Bermuda.


The Gender Equity Committee seeks to shift the culture of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda to be one that fosters gender equity. For this reason, ongoing education and training is essential. Gender equity content and learning has been shared through facilitated workshops based on the Report and recommendations. 

Below is a list outlining some of the gender equity presence in the territory.

Social Issues Committee February 2021
Beaver Creek Summer Camp Staff August 2021
AC Presentation February 2022
Ontario Women's Connect March 2022
International Women's Day - THQ Chapel sermon March 2023
National Advisory Board May 2023
CFOT Cadet Presentation May 2023
Explore Your Call Weekend May 2023
Explore Your Call Weekend for Western Canada in Alberta at Pine Lake Camp February 2024

CFOT Gender Equity Class

May 2024

Gender Equity Conversation Circle for Women Officers at Camp Sunrise

June 2024


Gender Equity Conversation Circle - Women Officers - September 21, 2024 (Ontario Women's Adventure Camp)

Gender Equity Working Retreat - October 2-3, 2024

Our team is here to support your ministry unit with:

  • Understanding gender equity
  • How to implement gender equity best practices
  • How to cultivate a harmonized gender equity team/ministry unit

If you'd like the Gender Equity Committee to facilitate a workshop at your corps or ministry unit, or some special event or teaching opportunity, please contact us for more information.

Major Pamela Pinksen
Major Pamela Pinksen speaking at the THQ Chapel on International Women's Day in 2023