Public Affairs News

I have heard several leaders over the years at church quote the short passage of Jesus’ teachings from Mark 12:17: “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” The lesson extrapolated from the passage is that paying Roman taxes was irrelevant to the Israelites’ religious life.

However, we can come to another conclusion if we reverse engineer the passage and argument. It can be said Jesus is encouraging the Israelites to engage in Roman civic life as responsible citizens. Civic duty was a big deal to the Romans; the State was to be kept first and foremost in the mind of all peoples of the Empire, Roman or otherwise. 

Having heard all their lives that God should be loved with all their hearts, minds, and souls, and that Levitical Law was the only acceptable manner in which to conduct themselves, Jesus' message would give cause to the occupied Israelites to be distressed.

This, like a lot of Jesus’ teaching tended to flip people's understanding upside down. He doesn't promote a separatist approach to faith and the state, but rather, proposes a both/and approach. You can be a fully engaged citizen of the State, and lead a holy life in the eyes of God. Jesus led a blameless life according to the laws of God and men alike, and at the same time made it a habit to engage with the lawmakers and the powerbrokers of the day; consider his exploits at the Temple, his debates with the Pharisees and Sadduccees, and his boldness before Pilate and Herod.

How does this inform us, and what does it mean for Christians as we approach the opportunity to vote in the upcoming Federal election? From my perspective, being like Jesus means:

  • getting involved in civic life
  • speaking truth to power
  • engaging with the issues that impact people’s lives in the here and now.

Canadians are blessed to live and afford the right to participate in a democratic society, and I would include being like Jesus means exercising your right to vote. It doesn’t mean voting for a particular candidate, party, or platform, but it does mean making the effort to respond to the government’s request to use your democratic voice in exercising your right to vote.

After that, all that’s left is giving to God what He requires of you.

For more election information and resources go to the Public Affairs Election 2021 page.

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