Poverty Reduction
Public Affairs
August 2018: the federal government released Opportunity for All, Canada's first national poverty reduction strategy. The Salvation Army participated in the development of the strategy by attending government roundtables, through ecumenical conversations and advocacy efforts, and submissions to the federal government.
March 2020: The Salvation Army was identified as one of 5 national organizations that could play a key role in ensuring Canadians had food on the table during COVID-19.
December 2020: we attended a roundtable with the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and AgriFood Canada and her cabinet colleagues. The Minister thanked organizations whose work and dedication ensured Food Security for Canadians throughout 2020.
In our submissions to federal policy makers, we advocated that poverty is not just about lack of income. Instead, it impacts and is impacted by other areas of individuals' and families' lives, including:
Public Affairs
The Salvation Army has been witness to the debilitating effects poverty can have on individuals, families
and communities across the country. We have also been engaged with all levels of government calling
for greater action. The Salvation Army is pleased to see that many of the recommendations we made
throughout the consultation period for the Strategy (as well as for many years prior) have been adopted
into the framework.