jn0811Leadership in the 21st century is big business. You just need to glance at the shelves of any bookstore for the current spin on leadership culture.

The Army has had its own style of leadership and, as a young person in a corps and later as a younger officer, I was influenced by godly soldiers and officers that provided solid, inspirational direction. These leaders were larger than life. Their charismatic leadership was God-anointed and inspired loyalty and devotion.

Times have changed. In the 1970s, Robert Greenleaf anticipated a significant shift in how leadership would be defined. He wrote: “People will not accept the authority of existing institutions, rather they will freely respond only to individuals who are chosen as leaders because they are proven and trusted as servants … In the future, the only truly viable institutions will be those that are predominantly servant led.”

Today it seems that inspirational leadership is not enough. Leaders must be transparent and credible, otherwise they are questioned and their authority rejected.

Does The Salvation Army have a response to today's leadership expectations? Looking to the past can often help speak to the present. In Bramwell Booth's Echoes and Memories, chapter nine focuses on the leadership style and principles used by the Army's Founder, William Booth. Bramwell was convinced that “more outstanding and significant than his oratory or his business genius or his diplomatic skills was his excellence in the management of men [and women].”

In William Booth's mind, issues were methodically approached “step by step.” He wrote in his 76th year: “I am more than ever impressed by the idea that we must do more for the staff, and I can see at present no better way of helping them than to go amongst them and show them how to meet their difficulties 'one by one.' ”

Bramwell goes on to say: “Details which many men would call petty became to him of infinite importance because they concerned the well-being of one particular individual under his command, for whom he felt a responsibility. The care of military leaders has usually been for the regiment, rather than the individual, but The Salvation Army has not been built to that pattern.”
True Christlikeness is not just a model, it is “the model” given by a leader who had no boundaries to his love

Leadership in The Salvation Army has always placed a high emphasis on connectedness with people. Foundational to Salvation Army leadership is the spiritual dimension, and relationship to people is critical to ministry and mission.

More importantly, Salvation Army leadership is based on the “model of Jesus,” for whom relationships were the focus of ministry. In her book, Jesus, CEO, Laurie Beth Jones writes: “Most religions teach that we are put here to serve God, yet in Jesus, God is offering to serve us. Some people are shocked at the inference that God serves us. Yet this man who represents God, who was imbued with all the power of God—walked up to people and asked, 'How can I help you?' ”

The key to ministry lies in the quality of our relationships. Henri Nouwen, in his book In The Name Of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership, writes: “Ministers and priests are also called to be full members of their communities, are accountable to them and need their affection and support, and are called to ministry with their whole being, including their wounded selves.”

Leadership as Christ sees it is more about individual connectedness and one-on-one relationships than about how many people we have authority over. Again, to quote Nouwen: “The long painful history of the Church is the history of people ever and again tempted to choose power over love, control over the cross, being a leader over being led. Those who have resisted this temptation to the end and thereby give us hope are the true saints. One thing is clear to me: the temptation of power is greater when intimacy is a threat.”

Real leadership is about real relationship. This theme is central and crucial to Kingdom advancement. Leadership in the Christian context is about the investment of one's self in the lives of others. It is about empowerment and releasing creative initiative. It is about relationship that allows for ministry to flourish and grow.

When I look back at over 30 years of officership, I am convinced that today's Army will advance because relationships are established and people work together. The embodiment of true Christlikeness (see John 13:1-17) is not just a model, it is “the model” given by a leader who had no boundaries to his love. Jesus establishes his authority and his ability to lead, yet this was leadership that had not been seen before in manner, style or authority. In essence, Jesus says, “I will do it with you. We will do it together.”

Lt-Colonel Neil Watt is the Territorial Secretary for Business Administration


On Friday, July 31, 2009, Rob Jeffery said:

Speaking as a newly commissioned officer, we receive leadership and management training at CFOT (at least here in Canada). I felt that it was taught at a very high level and the resources it gave us we can take with us into the field.

More importantly though, the opportunities to learn leadership in the field are endless. Rather than divide up officership between pastoring and administrating, saying that we're only gifted in one or the other, I'd hope instead that we pursue all our tasks with excellence.

Doing the best job we possibly can won't ensure perfect results, but It will put us much further ahead. Pursuing the tasks of the kingdom with excellence may mean pursuing higher education (even to the point of getting an MBA as Mr. Piatt said), but more often than not it will mean focusing on the day-to-day activities of Army work with greater clarity, passion, and attention-to-detail.

Personally, I think to achieve the level of officership/leadership that is required today requires officers to view their practice as an artform. And who would disagree that being able to navigate complex corps relationships, rally the public for fundraising efforts, provide helpful and meaningful social services, prepare weekly sermons that are based on intense biblical exegesis, and a dozen other tasks, is not indicitve of a highly specialized form of art? So let's help our officers and lay leaders to pursue their "art" with excellence and passion.

On Friday, July 31, 2009, Sean said:

Just as in every other profession or vocation in life, we can find examples of strong and weak officers. I must say, though, that I don't see too many bad examples of officers. In this territory we seem to want to dismiss officers at any chance we get, which often seems to have more to do with our own shortcomings or struggles than with those of the officers we target.

I am grateful for our officers who often serve in challenging and thankless appointments. Should we place them on a pedestal? No. But they do deserve our respect and support. They are human and have good and bad days. They all have things that they're good at and some things they're not so good at. They all need friends and allies in the communities where they serve. A little encouragement can mean a great deal to a young officer struggling in his first appointment.

As for the mentoring and coaching... As part of their preparation for training, all candidates for officership are involved in mentoring relationships prior to entering training college. All of them participate in mentoring relationships during their two years in college. And all of them continue to work alongside mentors and coaches in their early years of officership.

Let's just give our officers a break.

On Thursday, July 30, 2009, Mitch said:


You make a good point however Officers are trained to be pastors not administrators. There is a difference. At the same time, I have seen Officers who had degree in business in the past but still have no clue how to connect with people. One Officer in particular told me he would love being an Corps Officer if he did not have to deal with people. The point what Neil is suggesting is that leadership is all about relationships. The leadership hierarchy is not vertical but horizontal. I'm not sure if all Officers should get a MBA like yourself but I do believe more emphasis is required in mentoring and coaching relationships.

On Thursday, July 30, 2009, Elaine said:

I have to agree with Mitch, as I experienced this in my town. New officers came and with it no experience in social services. Thus a new thrift store that was thriving before they came closed within a year and the salvation army name is almost unheard of here. No PR work or words in any newspaper the only word that is heard on the street is how they were turned away by rude officers and if that is the work of Christians then we are in trouble. Please train your leaders of tomorrow that they have to be Christ like in all they do and say,Lead by example or the SA will not survive another 100 years.

On Thursday, July 30, 2009, John Piatt said:

I have been a Salvationist for sixty years. In all that time I have known only two corps officers who knew anything about management and leadership. One was while I was a teenager in the sixties and the other just recently. However, he moved on after eight years with us. There have been divisional officers in the past that were very impressive. My whole point here is that officers must be trained in leadership and management. I don't know what they receive at CFOT. Most cities do have a college of some sort these days and officers should be encouraged to attend classes in this area.

As for myself I have an MBA with an emphasis in Management and am a retired officer of the U.S. Air Force.

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