Earlier this year, all mission partners of the Canada and Bermuda Territory were invited to participate in the seventh biannual territorial values survey, administered by the Ethics Centre.  Responses help provide a deeper understanding of our culture and how it supports the territorial mission, vision and values. They also reveal the relationship between personal values, values present in the current culture and values that mission partners believe are most important for mission delivery.

NEW & NOTABLE Who Am I to Change the World?: From a Comfortable Couch to a Courageous Calling BY MAJOR PETER BROOKSHAW “If you want to change the world, you have to get off the couch,” says Major Peter Brookshaw, corps officer at Morley Salvos, Perth, in the Australia Territory. In his new book, Who Am I to Change the World?:
In recent months, our team in the mission department at territorial headquarters (THQ)—which includes corps mission, community mission and social mission—has been hearing me chant the phrase, “We Are Mission!” as a rallying cry. While also trying to have a bit of fun, my hope is that this powerful mantra captures The