Step Up For Justice, Episode 4
Explore the power of hope and resilience in ending modern slavery and human trafficking.
A survivor of human trafficking shares how she overcame trafficking and is helping others do the same.
A survivor of human trafficking shares how she overcame trafficking and is helping others do the same.
General Rader will be remembered for his preaching, teaching and sterling example of Salvationism.
During this self-denial period, pray intentionally for those who are serving in supported territories around our Salvation Army world.
Major Beverly Howell-Brushett is the corps officer and director of spiritual care at The Salvation Army’s Yellowknife Corps and Resource Centre, N.W.T.
For more than 60 years, The Salvation Army’s international development department has been supporting emergency and development initiatives to help break the cycle of poverty.
Watch episode three of this new video series to learn how to take action, from launching your own awareness campaigns to taking an educational course to spreading care and kindness.
Hundreds of young women have been through the doors of The Salvation Army’s Grace Haven facility in Hamilton, Ont., during its 128-year history. In all those years of assisting young parents and parents-to-be, there has never been a dad enrolled in any Grace Haven program, ever. That all changed this past June, when 20-year-old Keith accepted that valued piece of paper, making him the first ever “Grad Dad” at Grace Haven.
Two Salvationists offer their perspective on alcohol and its impacts on society.
Sarah Barrett, a 21-year-old Salvationist in Glace Bay, N.S., organized several special fundraising events in support of The Salvation Army’s Partners in Mission Campaign.