A week-long visit to Australia Southern Territory by the Chief of the Staff, Commissioner Barry C. Swanson, and Commissioner Sue Swanson, World Secretary for Women's Ministries, concluded with the celebrations of commissioning weekend. The weekend combined several key elements, including officers and employees councils, an Army "expo," the commissioning and ordination of the Ambassadors of Holiness session of cadets and a gala Christmas concert called "Our Christmas Gift."
The Friday evening Graduation Celebration was a chance to celebrate the academic achievement of the cadets and the graduates of the 2010 "Order 614" course. Order 614 involves a year-long course of training, community work and outreach.
Guest speaker was Professor Paul Beirne, Dean of Melbourne College of Divinity. After commenting favourably on the link between MCD and the Salvation Army Training College he revealed that the Army's college had been approved to award Bachelor of Theology qualifications in addition to the diploma and associate diploma courses it currently provides.
After a presentation from the college community, including children of the cadets, brief speeches were made by Cadet James Thompson, representing the Ambassadors of Holiness, and Laura Allen, for the Order 614 graduates.
Following this, cadets were presented with their International Certificates of Officership and Order 614 members received a Certificate 4 in Urban Mission.
The Chief of the Staff provided the graduation address and concluded by commending the Ambassadors of Holiness as "people of action, not just talk" and added that they were ready and willing to follow Jesus.
On Saturday evening more than 2,000 people gathered in the Melbourne Convention Centre for the Christmas concert "Our Christmas Gift." The event featured a massed choir, various Army music groups, a nativity play featuring real animals, and solos from local Christian artists Silvie Paladino and Rod Davies.
The provision of battery-powered candles gave the indoor concert an outdoor "carols by candlelight" feel with hundreds of flickering lights across the auditorium.
Sunday morning began with the Commissioning and Ordination service. After preliminary music from the Melbourne Staff Band and Songsters and the entry of the Ambassadors of Holiness Session, Training Principal Major Geoff Webb provided an overview of the previous year including developments in college activities and the course curriculum. He also offered his thanks to Major Stephen Court, who had been training principal for the first year of training for the Ambassadors of Holiness.
Cadet Robyn Lorimer led the cadet chorus and Cadet Cheryl Pryor gave her testimony before the Chief of the Staff spoke briefly on the significance of the ordination and commissioning service.
He said: "This morning is the essence of Salvationist life and faith," and encouraged others present to be challenged by the step of commitment the Ambassadors of Holiness were making.
Commissioner Raymond Finger (Territorial Commander, Australia Southern Territory) stood before the cadets and charged them to serve God and the Army faithfully. Responding in the affirmative, the cadets then recited the doctrines. The cadets were then individually commissioned and ordained by the Chief of the Staff. Commissioner Sue Swanson read a specifically chosen Bible verse for each newly commissioned officer.
Newly commissioned Lieutenant Paul Lorimer spoke on behalf of the session, saying that the two years of training had seen "matters of heart, faith and belief exposed to scrutiny and challenge." He thanked the General for their sessional name, adding that "holiness is not an optional extra in the lives of Salvationists."
In his Bible message the Chief said: "I wish everyone here would believe it's possible to live in right relationship with God. God is seeking to be in relationship with you." He encouraged people to move to the cross and the mercy seat. Many people responded as the congregation sang "Spirit of the Living God" and "All that I Am."
On Sunday afternoon, the Appointment and "Sending Out" service began on a note of triumph as the cadets of the Friends of Christ Session and the lieutenants of the Ambassadors of Holiness session entered the hall to the sessional march played by the Melbourne Staff Band.
Retired General Eva Burrows prayed, Lieutenant Kathleen Pearce led a praise and worship time and Lieutenant Augustine Danagi provided a testimony – including the comment: "It is only by God's grace I have come this far and it is by his grace I will continue." The territorial commander then issued the lieutenants with their first appointments. As usual, this was a time of excitement and joyful response as the lieutenants discovered where they would be living and serving only six or seven weeks later.
Commissioner Sue Swanson gave the Bible message and challenged all in attendance to "always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord; he will not fail you."
The response included a "call to service" by Commissioner Aylene Finger (Territorial President of Women's Ministries) and many people went forward to recommit themselves to God or to make a first-time commitment.
Throughout the weekend, thousands attended the "Connecting Others Expo" where Army programmes, departments and projects were put on display to the public. This was a great success with many enquiries fielded, corps resources sold and information shared.
Though Colonel Wendy Swan is a Canadian officer, she is a true citizen of the world, having spent most of her officership in appointments around the globe.
Follow Okta Sudirman’s journey at the William Booth College for Officer Training in Jakarta. Once struggling, Okta’s life was transformed by faith and a calling to serve God. Now, as a cadet, he’s learning to make a difference and inspire others. Experience the camaraderie and spiritual growth of future officers dedicated to spreading hope. To
Ukrainian pastors, church leaders and their families enjoyed two weeks of peace at The Salvation Army’s campsite in Latvia, hosted by The Salvation Army’s Sweden and Latvia Territory. The Australian Salvation Army International Development (SAID) funded the retreat. “The retreat was designed for the families to have time together in a safe environment,” explains Major Elizabeth Garland, an Australian pastor serving as a development officer in the Eastern Europe Territoty.
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