Goats, pigs, water, mosquito nets and medical supplies are not the usual outcomes of a music camp. However, this year, the Twin Ponds music camp, Gander, N.L., raised more than $800 to purchase these items for The Salvation Army's World Missions Gifts of Hope program.
At the Friday night faculty meeting prior to the commencement of the music camp, which ran Saturday, August 13 to Saturday, August 20, leaders were asked to make a contribution to Gifts of Hope. Before the Sunday morning worship service, which first introduced the challenge to campers, ages eight to 18, $520 was raised.
“This was pivotal in demonstrating to the youth that we, as leaders, were committed to this project,” comments Jane Ash, Bible director, Twin Ponds music camp. “On the Wednesday of music camp, the campers gave $300 for a total of $820.”
The idea to support Gifts of Hope emerged during last year's camp when faculty members noted the amount of snacks people purchased at the canteen on a daily basis.
“We wondered if we could encourage the campers and faculty to redirect at least one dollar of the money spent at the canteen to missions,” recalls Ash. “We felt this would not only help those who have so little, but it would provide an avenue to teach the youth about the Gifts of Hope campaign.”
Guided by Matthew 25:40—“The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me,' ”—the Gifts of Hope challenge was consistent with the week's Bible teaching. Particularly, the camp's prayer room included a Gifts of Hope station where youth were asked to write a prayer and place it on the world map.
“The prayers that were written by the youth were amazing and very relevant to this challenge,” says Ash. “One youth wrote, 'Dear God, I pray that all the people in the world will have clean water to drink. And help us to be thankful for what we have.' ”
Given the positive response by the more than 100 campers and leaders, a segment in the closing program was dedicated to the Gifts of Hope challenge. This included a PowerPoint presentation showing the items to be purchased with the funds, and a mock cheque was presented to Captain Julia Butler, divisional youth secretary.
“I am so pleased with the response of our faculty and campers to the Gifts of Hope challenge,” comments Captain Butler. “When presented with opportunities to give in such meaningful and practical ways, our people always give from the heart!”
“It was important to show the youth that through a very small donation from each person, we were able to make a difference in so many people's lives,” adds Ash. “We feel, as youth leaders, it is our responsibility to teach and show by example what Christ would have us do.”
Donna Hilderbrand has been a committed monthly donor to The Salvation Army’s Red Shield for more than 14 years, which allows for funds to go toward the area of greatest need, and she recently confirmed a gift in her will to benefit the church in Kamloops, B.C. Additionally, her father’s estate will also benefit the Kamloops ministry, an area he held dear in his heart
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