She's beautiful, full of life and the power! She's the spirit of purity and she's the first rank in our war of faith, writes General William Booth. If she falls, all is lost! She's always in the thick of the battle, constantly engaged. Around her the fighting rages furiously.

The arch enemy knows she's the queen, thus all the legions of hell seek to dethrone her in every Christian's life. They know more than anyone that “without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). They know she's the reason why the Saviour came from glory. She's what the fuss is about. She's the reason for the martyrs, Bibles printed, songs composed, sanctuaries built and the reason for the life of the church.

This is not pie in the sky later, but a living Christ working in us and out through our minds, lips, eyes and fingertips a holy, unselfish life like his. Yes, it means decisions on movies, books, time, money, clothes, food and how we treat our body and those around us. But not a narrow legalism or a cheap grace, but a heart acting in love with purity and godliness. A heart that can never be satisfied until it attains to the full stature of Christ.

For God is determined to have a people for his own; a people set apart. “For this is the will of God, your sanctification” (1 Thessalonians 4:3 NASB) and it must become ours or all is lost.

Major Bill Kean is the corps officer in beautiful Triton, NL. His weekly coffee doodles complement his passion for preaching and teaching.


On Friday, April 26, 2013, Steve Simms said:

A great challenge to us all. Rise up men and women of God, turn away from the world's carnality, and follow and obey the living, resurrected Jesus Christ in your day-to-day lives!

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